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Upload Your School Logo

School administrators or teachers, upload your school logo, and we'll get it ready for embroidery at no charge. Once it has been digitized, we'll send you an image of what it looks like embroidered and get it uploaded to our website so you or your students can order bags with the logo embroidered on it. NOTE: If you are a parent and want your school logo on your child's bag, please contact administration at the school and send them the link to this page so they can upload the logo.

Your Information

    Please let us know if this is a new logo or an update to an existing logo on our site:

    This is a new logoThis is an update to an existing logo

    Upload Logo

    Please upload a high-quality image of your school logo. We accept .jpg or .png files. Maximum file size allowed is 5 megabytes. Click on the "choose file" button and select the logo file from your computer.